You are a mental being, constantly taking information in through your five senses, analyzing, synthesizing, interpreting, problem solving, processing and evaluating and storing or rejecting data. This domain is made of two parts, the conscious and subconscious. The conscious part constitutes the domain over which you have a relatively large degree of control.It is also the primary medium by which stress is interpreted and managed.
The subconscious represents and occupies a substantial portion of your brain . It is the repository of all your beliefs, values, memories and the realm of you autonomic nervous system, governing many of the unconscious bodily functions. Together they generate and are the reservoir from which habits, attitudes, cultural moors and patterns of thinking evolve. Indeed the lens by which you perceive the world is progressively formed, develops and finds expression by the knowledge and interpretations of the external world which are made along the way.
You are a feeling being. Often referred to as the affective domain it is the primary driving force behind all behaviour. Feelings inspire and enrich experience, but also are the source of our discontent, stress, anxiety and depression. We have little direct control over this domain, as it is a function of our biochemistry. Neurotransmitters, hormones and biochemicals generate the varied physiological responses. Under normal conditions they work in our favour generating a host of positive feelings providing a sense of well being, However when our thoughts are clouded by
distortions and erroneous beliefs then it begins to play havoc with the otherwise harmonious balance of biochemicals. The net effect is an unsettled state of being and when left unattended it becomes chronic with increasingly detrimental effects upon the health and well being.
You are a social being. Weather an introvert or an extrovert we still operate in a social domain, Relationships represent a significant influence upon our psyche. Functional relationships are developed and maintained in direct correlation with their attending skills. Relationships can be both a source of stress and a wonderful resource for coping with stress. Social aptitudes of attentiveness, assertiveness, compromise and communication are key skills. Harmonious relations contribute much to a sense of contentment.
You are a physical being. Age, health, conditioning, energy levels each factor into functional capacity to meet the rigours of day to day responsibilities and challenges. Knowing the capabilities and limitations of our physical bodies and how to care for and maintain our physical well being represent a good starting point for self awareness.
You are a moral being. Attributes of character and temperament combine to give you your unique personality traits. In addition attributes both enable and ennoble, allowing us to meet increasingly challenging demands. Self reliance, resilience, self esteem and confidence wax stronger with each attribute added to the mix.
You are a spiritual being. There is a resource available to all, once understood, appreciated and tapped into offers a means to allude or at least a reprieve from the exigencies of life. Many have found contentment, peace, hope and solace in the unseen power of faith.
You are a behavioural being. You act and are acted upon. It is our behaviour and emotions we present to the outside world. When behaviour aligns with beliefs and values there is an internal state of congruence. A harmonious synchrony occurs and stressors tend to decline and internal conflicts abate.
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